caring for pets and owners alike

Rainbow Connection Sanctuary

A new venture to provide a safe haven for special needs, chronically ill or terminal pets

cat resting in a stroller
a stroller can help pets enjoy life outside the home
a senior dog is nestled in a blanket
aging animals benefit from supportive bedding
a dog is being cared for as gloved hands are steadying it while administering medicine from an IV
medicines can help sustain quality of life for animals with chronic conditions


As a pet owner, you may want to keep your companion in your life a little longer, but you’re not sure you can provide the 24/7 attention and care they need. Maybe their medications are too costly to afford for the rest of their lives. Or maybe you have no one to come look after your pets because of their special needs.

And sometimes, it seems like your world is a little darker because the vet is saying words you don’t want to hear. You can’t make a decision right away, let alone one that could affect you and your family members for the rest of their lives. The passing of your furry companion is a difficult time, no matter how much notice is given. Wouldn’t it be nice to be given space to make decisions aligned to your values, to honour your beloved pet, without breaking the bank?

How we support pets and their owners

The Rainbow Connection Sanctuary is a safe place for pets before they cross over to the Rainbow Bridge. It serves two purposes:

  1. To offer pet owners options for care once their pet is diagnosed with a chronic illness, is deemed terminally ill, or has aged out. An owner may feel that their pet could still have years yet to live, but may not have the flexibility or inclination to care for an animal with increased needs or demands.
  2. To offer pet owners a beautiful place to honour their pets after they have passed. Pets can be laid to rest at the sanctuary, honoured in perpetuity, and generations of family members can spend time to visit, and have all family pets buried nearby.

How you can help

To make our vision to a bricks and mortar facility, we need partners, supporters, donors – a network of like-minded people who want to offer this service to the National Capital Region.


Sponsor the Sanctuary with a one-time or monthly donation that will go towards a brick and mortar facility and grounds that will allow the animals to live comfortably.

One-time or monthly payments


Medical supplies

Specialized diets

Adaptive supports like wheelchairs

Help special needs

If you are a veterinarian, veterinarian technician or assistant, a rescue or shelter operation, or other related organization, please contact us to see how we can work together to help animals or pet owners in need.

Contact us

Our Programs:

Responsibly extend the lives of animals

Provide onsite monitoring and care

Bring together the expertise of special needs experts and providers

Provide compassion

We are looking for partners in this venture: landowners, spiritual counsellors, grief counsellors, end-of-life counsellors, psychologists, estate planning specialists, artists (local, indigenous, BIPOC, LGBTQIA2+, women owned), volunteers.

Get in touch

Our approach:

Allow owenrs to grieve in a safe and comforting environment

Provide space to be creative in honouring a passing

Affordable options for dignity

Contact us

Have ideas or thoughts? Want to help? Get in touch with us by filling the form below.

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